EmpowerCTA®+ Injector System
Helping your business grow by delivering quality diagnostics that boost productivity, promote safety, and reduce overhead
Explore unique designs and features to advance diagnostic capabilities

Reduce capital spending with innovative technology

Promote safety and support patient-centric care

Maximize efficiencies with improved interoperability

Enhance imaging and simplify procedures with unique protocols
Explore unique designs and features to advance diagnostic capabilities

Reduce capital burden with state-of-the-art Bracco injectors
Bracco helped a top imaging group eliminate $1.8 million1 in capital spend while upgrading their entire CT injector fleet to the latest technology.

Unique protocols designed to lower contrast spend
Economic analysis project cost savings with dual-syringe-protocoling across several scenarios such as utilizing unique saline-based protocols to2-6:
- Enhance study quality
- Eliminate excess contrast
- Support patient hydration
Unique protocols designed to lower contrast spend
Economic analysis project cost savings with dual-syringe-protocoling across several scenarios such as utilizing unique saline-based protocols to2-6:
- Enhance study quality
- Eliminate excess contrast
- Support patient hydration
Impact of Protocols on Hospital Budgets7

EmpowerCTA+ Injector System
Simplify your workday

Reduce extravasations and test patency and vein integrity with Saline Advance
"Saline Advance is helpful; my technologists find it helpful to test the IVs beforehand to see, can it handle this pressure without an extravasation ... the tech can go ahead and use the saline advance in order to determine if it will work for the whole contrast injection. If it can't handle that pressure with advance, then they need different access."
—Stanley Weinstein, MD Poudre Valley Hospital
Eliminate excess contrast with Saline Jump
"[Saline Jump] Especially with pulmonary embolism studies, the ability to shut down the contrast injection and be able to push saline if the scan is already completed and you have opacification, there is no reason to inject the full bolus, that will reduce the amount of contrast a patient gets, and theoretically reduce the risk of contrast-induced nephropathy, as well as potentially reduce the amount of contrast injected before we start the exam."
-Stanley Weinstein, MD Poudre Valley Hospital
Reduce air embolism risk
Tilt sensor and lock reduces risk of air embolisms by monitoring the injector head position to safely deliver contrast
Extravasation Detection Accessory (EDA™) assists in the identification of a possible extravasation by notifying the user and pausing the procedure if a significant detection event occurs*
- EDA is designed to aid in the detection of extravasations and is not intended as a substitute for proper patient monitoring and good clinical practice.
Pendant switch allows you to start, stop, and pause injections right by the patient's side
Variable flow rates let you adjust contrast and saline flow as needed during injection.
Evaluate Kidney Function
The eGFR calculator is intended to assist the facility in determining whether the patient's renal function is consistent with the safe administration of intravenous (IV) contrast.*
eGFR=estimated glomerular filtration rate.
- eGFR is not intended to act as a substitute for a physician's diagnosis of conditions, which may preclude the administration of IV contrast or the patient’s ability to accept the procedure.
Custom safety features designed to promote patient-centric care
Saline Advance
Saline Jump
Tilt Sensor Lock CT
Extravasations Detection Accessory
Pendant Switch
Variable Flow Rates
Evaluate Kidney Function
Custom safety features designed to promote patient-centric care
Saline Advance

Reduce extravasations and test patency and vein integrity with Saline Advance
“Saline Advance is helpful; my technologists find it helpful to test the IVs beforehand to see, can it handle this pressure without an extravasation … the tech can go ahead and use the saline advance in order to determine if it will work for the whole contrast injection. If it can’t handle that pressure with advance, then they need different access.”
-Stanley Weinstein, MD
Poudre Valley Hospital
Saline Jump

Eliminate excess contrast with Saline Jump
“[Saline Jump] Especially with pulmonary embolism studies, the ability to shut down the contrast injection and be able to push saline if the scan is already completed and you have opacification, there is no reason to inject the full bolus, that will reduce the amount of contrast a patient gets, and theoretically reduce the risk of contrast-induced nephropathy, as well as potentially reduce the amount of contrast injected before we start the exam.”
-Stanley Weinstein, MD
Poudre Valley Hospital
Tilt Sensor Lock CT

Reduce air embolism risk
Tilt sensor and lock reduces risk of air embolisms by monitoring the injector head position to safely deliver contrast
Extravasation Detection Accessory

Extravasation Detection Accessory (EDA™) assists in the identification of a possible extravasation by notifying the user and pausing the procedure if a significant detection event occurs.
Pendant Switch

Pendant switch allows you to start, stop, and pause injections right by the patient’s side
Variable Flow Rates

Variable flow rates let you adjust contrast and saline flow as needed during injection.
Evaluate Kidney Function

The eGFR calculator is intended to assist the facility in determining whether the patient’s renal function is consistent with the safe administration of intravenous (IV) contrast.†

Innovative designs to maximize efficiency and streamline workflow
Auto initialization
Auto initialization helps you efficiently prepare syringes.
Protocol fill
Protocol fill automatically fills syringes to specified volumes.
Prime for injection with purge to line
This feature easily purges the saline and contrast, so the injector is ready for use.
Innovative designs to maximize efficiency and streamline workflow
Enhance diagnostic imaging
Maximize the quality of a cardiac CT study with EPP™
B, C. Courtesy of Orla Buckley, MD, Andetta Hunsaker, MD, and Frank Rybicki, MD, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Applied Imaging Science Laboratory, Department of Radiology

EmpowerSync® simplifies CT imaging
EmpowerSync® allows for interoperability between contrast delivery systems and CT scanners.‡
EmpowerSync® simplifies CT imaging
EmpowerSync® allows for interoperability between contrast delivery systems and CT scanners.*
Point-of-care MR imaging solutions that help promote patient safety and streamline workflow
Enterprise-wide digital solutions connecting you to data when and where you need it
Explore the most trusted contrast in CT imaging
EmpowerSync is a registered trademark of Bracco Injeneering S.A.; EPP is a trademark of ACIST Medical Systems. Inc.
*Please work with your local specialist for compatibility with your specific scanner.
1. Data on file. Bracco Diagnostics Inc. July 2020.
2. Auler MA, Heagy T, Aganovic I, et al. Saline chasing technique with dual-syringe injection systems for multi-detector row computed tomographic angiography: rationale, indications, and protocols. Current Problems Diagnostic Radiology. 2006;35(2):1-11.
3. Bae KT. Optimization of contrast enhancement in thoracic MDCT. Radiol Clin North Am. 2010;48(1):9-29.
4. Cademartiri F, van der Lugt A, Luccichenti G, et al. Parameters affecting bolus geometry in CTA: a review. J Comput Assist Tomogr. 2002;26(4):598-607.
5. Cademartiri F, Mollet N, van der Lugt A, et al. Non-invasive 16-row multislice CT coronary angiography: usefulness of saline chaser. Eur Radiol. 2004;14(2):178-183.
6. Thompson L. Flushing the line between medications in IV administration of multiple agents. Oncology Nurse Advisor website. https://www.oncologynurseadvisor.com/oncology-nursing/flushing-the-iv-line-between-medications/article/509061/. Updated July 12, 2016. Accessed April 17, 2018.
7. Data on file. “Auto injector.” Bracco Diagnostics Inc. July 2020.
EDA™=Extravasation Detection Accessory; eGFR=estimated glomerular filtration rate; EmpowerSync is a registered trademark of Bracco Injeneering S.A.; EPP is a trademark of ACIST Medical Systems. Inc.
- EDA is designed to aid in the detect ion of extravasations and is not intended as a substitute for proper patient monitoring and good clinical practice.
- eGFR is not intended to act as a subsite for a physician’s diagnosis of conditions, which may preclude the administration of IV contrast or the patient’s ability to accept the procedure.
- Please work with your local specialist for compatibility with your specific scanner.
1. Data on file. Bracco Diagnostics Inc. July 2020.
2. Auler MA, Heagy T, Aganovic I, et al. Saline chasing technique with dual-syringe injection systems for multi-detector row computed tomographic angiography: rationale, indications, and protocols. Current Problems Diagnostic Radiology. 2006;35(2):1-11.
3. Bae KT. Optimization of contrast enhancement in thoracic MDCT. Radiol Clin North Am. 2010;48(1):9-29.
4. Cademartiri F, van der Lugt A, Luccichenti G, et al. Parameters affecting bolus geometry in CTA: a review. J Comput Assist Tomogr. 2002;26(4):598-607.
5. Cademartiri F, Mollet N, van der Lugt A, et al. Non-invasive 16-row multislice CT coronary angiography: usefulness of saline chaser. Eur Radiol. 2004;14(2):178-183.
6. Thompson L. Flushing the line between medications in IV administration of multiple agents. Oncology Nurse Advisor website. https://www.oncologynurseadvisor.com/oncology-nursing/flushing-the-iv-line-between-medications/article/509061/. Updated July 12, 2016. Accessed April 17, 2018.
7. Data on file. “Auto injector.” Bracco Diagnostics Inc. July 2020.
EmpowerCTA®+ Injector System
Caution: Federal law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a physician.
The EmpowerCTA®+ Injector System is indicated for the vascular administration of contrast and flushing media in conjunction with computed tomography (CT) scanning of the body with an optional interface to a CT scanner and an optional calculator for glomerular filtration rate (GFR).
EmpowerCTA®+ Injector System
Caution: Federal law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a physician.
The EmpowerCTA®+ Injector System is indicated for the vascular administration of contrast and flushing media in conjunction with computed tomography (CT) scanning of the body with an optional interface to a CT scanner and an optional calculator for glomerular filtration rate (GFR).
The Extravasation Detection Accessory (EDA™) is an optional accessory and is indicated for the detection of extravasations of ionic and nonionic contrast during CT procedures using a power injector.
Protocols have been independently developed and are not intended as medical advice. Bracco and Bracco Injeneering S.A. shall not be responsible for any physicians’ reliance on these or any other products.
The EmpowerCTA®+ Injector System is not intended for use as a long-term infusion pump, nor is it intended to be used to inject any agents other than contrast or flushing media. Do not attempt to use the Injector for any other purpose (such as chemotherapy or drug infusion). The EmpowerCTA+ Injector System should not be used to inject substances into nonvascular body cavities. Any applications of the EmpowerCTA+ Injector System other than those described in its Operator Manual are inappropriate and should not be attempted.
Not all products available in all global markets.
EmpowerCTA+ is distributed by Bracco Diagnostics Inc.; 259 Prospect Plains Road, Bldg. H; Monroe Township, NJ 08831 USA; Phone: (800) 631-5245; Fax: (609) 514-2424; Customer Service: 1-877-BRACCO 9 (1-877-272-2269); Professional Services: 1-800-257-5181 (Option 2); EmpowerCTA+ Email: empowerinfo@diag.bracco.com; Website: https://www.braccoimaging.com/us-en/products/injectors-informatics/empowercta
EmpowerCTA+ is manufactured for Bracco Injeneering S.A., Avenue de Sevelin 46, CH – 1004 Lausanne, Switzerland. http://imaging.bracco.com
EmpowerMR® Injector System
Caution: Federal law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a physician.
The EmpowerMR® Injector System is indicated for vascular administration of contrast media and flushing media in conjunction with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
Protocols have been independently developed and are not intended as medical advice and Bracco shall not be responsible for any physicians’ reliance on these or any other protocols.
Bracco Injeneering S.A. reserves the right at any time and without notice, to change the specifications and features described herein, or to change the production or adjust the product described.
Not all products available in all global markets.
EmpowerMR is distributed by Bracco Diagnostics Inc.; 259 Prospect Plains Road, Bldg. H; Monroe Township, NJ 08831 USA; Phone: (800) 631-5245; Fax: (609) 514-2424; Customer Service: 1-877-BRACCO 9 (1-877-272-2269); Professional Services: 1-800-257-5181 (Option 2); Website: https://www.braccoimaging.com/us-en/products/injectors-informatics/empowermr
EmpowerMR is manufactured by Bracco Injeneering S.A., Avenue de Sevelin 46, CH – 1004 Lausanne, Switzerland. http://imaging.bracco.com
NEXO® Contrast Management System
Intended Use:
The NEXO® Contrast Management System is a server-based application intended to be used as a data-management and visualization system. The NEXO Contrast Management System is able to read, store, share, compare/relate, as well as graphically display data and injection programs coming from RIS, PACS and multiple enabled EmpowerCTA® Injector Systems. This device provides users with record-lists, graphics and reports about data and performances.
This device is intended for retrospective and statistical data management and visualization. It is not intended for real-time data visualization, diagnostic applications or for any other use for which the device is not indicated. This device is only to be operated by and under quasi-continuous supervision of qualified and trained staff in an appropriate licensed healthcare facility.
The NEXO Contrast Management System is compatible with the EmpowerCTA Injector System version 8.0, and EmpowerCTA®+ Injector System version 9.0 and higher.
Bracco Injeneering S.A. reserves the right at any time and without notice, to change the specifications and features described herein, or to change the production or adjust the product described.
Not all products available in all global markets.
NEXO is distributed by Bracco Diagnostics Inc.; 259 Prospect Plains Road, Building H; Monroe Township, NJ 08831 USA; Phone: (800) 631-5245; Fax: (609) 514-2424; NEXO Customer Service: 1-877-BRACCO 9 (1-877-272-2269); NEXO questions: Nexo.Answers@diag.bracco.com; NEXO U.S. Technical Service and Support: Phone: 888-670-7701; Fax: 609-514-2448; NEXO Email: customer.support@acistmedical.com; Website: https://imaging.bracco.com/us-en/products/injectors-informatics/nexo
NEXO is manufactured by Bracco Injeneering S.A., Avenue de Sévelin 46, CH-1004 Lausanne, Switzerland. http://imaging.bracco.com
NEXO [DOSE]® Multi-Modality Radiation Informatics
Intended Use:
NEXO [DOSE]® Multi-Modality Radiation Informatics is a server-based application that acquires, stores, and reports radiation dose index data from medical imaging procedures.
NEXO [DOSE] Multi-Modality Radiation Informatics is intended to be used by qualified medical personnel only.
NEXO [DOSE] is distributed by Bracco Diagnostics Inc.; 259 Prospect Plains Road, Building H; Monroe Township, NJ 08831 USA; Phone: (800) 631-5245; Fax: (609) 514-2424; NEXO [DOSE] Customer Service: 1-877-BRACCO 9 (1-877-272-2269); NEXO [DOSE] questions: Nexo.Answers@diag.bracco.com; Website: https://imaging.bracco.com/us-en/products/injectors-informatics/nexo-dose NEXO [DOSE] Technical Support provided by PACSHealth, L.L.C: 1-877-299-6587
NEXO [DOSE] is manufactured by and is licensed from PHS Technologies Group, L.L.C, 32531 N. Scottsdale Road, Suite #105-282, Scottsdale, AZ 85266; a wholly-owned subsidiary of PACSHealth, L.L.C.
Not all products available in all global markets.
About Bracco Injeneering S.A.
Bracco Injeneering S.A., located in Lausanne, Switzerland, is the most recently added Business Unit of Bracco Imaging. Bracco Injeneering is committed to develop the best-in-class integrated injection solutions with a strong heritage in research and innovation. It provides quality solutions for state-of-the-art radiology centers, offering proven injection technology, built on Bracco Imaging’s expertise.
Thanks to this strengthened product portfolio, including the CT Exprès® 3D Contrast Media Delivery System, EmpowerCTA+ Injector System, EmpowerMR Injector System, NEXO Contrast Management System and NEXO [DOSE] Multi-Modality Radiation Informatics, Bracco Imaging will be able to focus on constant innovation, not only for devices, but also for software development and data management.
CT Exprès, EmpowerCTA, EmpowerMR, IRiSCT, NEXO and NEXO [DOSE] are registered trademarks of Bracco Injeneering S.A.
EDA and FastLoad are trademarks of Bracco Injeneering S.A.
These are representative images from reference studies; individual results may vary.
© 2022 Bracco Diagnostics Inc. All Rights Reserved.